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Legislative Updates

2023 Legislative Session FINAL Update 8/3/23
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The Legislature finished up business on 6/25/23 and this is the last update for the Session. Attached is the final list of new laws and the bills we tracked this session that died along the way. I would encourage you to look at these to see how they may impact your agency and the work you do.

As you look at these bills, it's helpful to know two terms:

Effective Date is the date the measure becomes law. Without an emergency clause, measures take effect January 1 of the year after passage.

Operative Date If a bill requires administrative preparation (e.g. DAS needs to make rules) before the bill is fully operative, an operative date is used to delay operation of all or part of the bill. If an operative date is used, the entire bill takes effect on its effective date. However a specified part of the Act does not become operational until a later specified date. It is important to distinguish between items that are authorized on and after the effective date and items that are not authorized until the operative date.

Here are the new laws:

SB 594- requires prevailing wages for demolition or removal of hazardous waste. Effective September 24, 2023. Operative January 1, 2024.

SB 1047- Changes purchasing thresholds, and state DEI changes. Effective September 24, 2023. Operative January 1, 2024, although a local agency can implement it prior to this date.

SB 1048- ODOT to establish a small business assistance program. Effective September 24, 2023. Operative January 2, 2024. Those local agencies which conduct ODOT procurements may find this law impacts those solicitations.

HB 2295- Replaces the COBID category of "Service-Disabled Veterans" with "Veteran Owned Business". Effective September 24, 2023. Operative January 1, 2024.

HB 2649- Requires outreach plans and apprenticeship requirements (12%) for certain public improvement contracts. Effective September 24, 2023. Operative January 1, 2024, and the apprenticeship requirements increase to 15% as of January 1, 2027.

HB 3332- "Made in America" iron and steel requirements for State contracts. Effective September 24, 2023. Operative January 1, 2024

HB 3572- Creates an optional award preference for benefit companies. Effective September 24, 2023. Operative January 1, 2024, although an agency can implement it prior to this date.

With Gratitude,

Brian R. Smith, MPA, NIGP-CPP, CPPO, PMP

OPPA Legislative Committee Chair

Multnomah County Purchasing Manager

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